Yves Candel 👨🏻‍💻

Experienced CTO, Software Architect and Tech Lead.

I like to move and disrupt businesses and markets by building software that is new and innovative. I've done this with numerous projects, like Homerr, a sustainable logistics company that doesn't even have any transport vehicles.

I work for NAVARA, a software consultancy company in Driebergen-Rijsenburg, The Netherlands. We help clients succeed in their digital strategy in almost every aspect of it. Design, development, data engineering/science and cloud infrastructure. Within NAVARA I am responsible for the business unit Smart Platforms, which focuses on the continuous improvement and continuity of mission critical software.

In 2011 I graduated from the University of Twente with a Masters in Biomedical Engineering. I also did an internship at Harvard University in Boston, MA. My passion for programming and technology was so big that I ended up working in IT and haven't looked back since.

I prefer to work with the Microsoft Azure cloud, modern front-end frameworks like Angular and React, back-end languages like C#/.NET and low-code tools such as Webflow and Flow.ai. Everything I work on has CI/CD integrated to its core to maximize development productivity.